“Just believe you can do it”, “Think positive thoughts”, “Visualise it and it will become your reality”

It sounds easy, right – just say the affirmation repeatedly or visualise your desired outcome and you’ll trick yourself into believing it. Easy. Except that it’s not quite that simple.

This approach can work well if what you are wanting is already in agreement with what your mind and belief system can accept. BUT if there is any part of you that doesn’t believe it, or actively opposes it then the conflict can push your goal further away. This can feel like you’re unintentionally self-sabotaging or that you don’t have enough will-power to achieve your goal.

The result is that no matter how much you try to convince yourself that you want to believe something different, or act in a different way, you have little control over how your thoughts interact with a lifetime of memories and experiences in your subconscious mind.

When you use affirmations or visualisations to create a change in your thoughts and actions, you are working solely with your conscious mind. However, your emotions and feelings live in your subconscious mind and these relics of your past experiences have a massive impact on your automatic thoughts, decisions and behaviours. You can’t think yourself out of blocks. fear, anxiety, and trauma.

This is where hypnotherapy can be really helpful as it allows me to coach your subconscious mind and unlock the emotions, feelings and memories that are keeping you stuck and preventing you from creating change and achieving your goals. Interested? Get in touch and let’s have a chat.