School exams

School exams

My eldest has school exams this week, and I think it’s fair to say we’ll both be pleased when they’re done. Setting aside the whole over-testing of children (that’s a whole other issue), the school exams have brought out the absolute worst in the children AND parents....
Why change is so tricky…

Why change is so tricky…

We’ve spent our entire lives gaining experience about what happens in a range of situations.  We’ve been through success and failure, built and ended relationships, invested time and energy on our careers, and competed to reach our goals. We know what we like, what we...
Embrace your authentic self

Embrace your authentic self

Who are you? We show up in different parts of our lives as a version of ourselves. You might find that you wear a different ‘mask’ at work to fit in with the people there or in line with the company culture. You might have a completely different identity outside of...
Resilience and adaptability

Resilience and adaptability

In today’s hectic and unpredictable world, it’s easy to fall into the trap of feeling helpless and overwhelmed. When faced with the stresses and uncertainty of everyday life, you might feel anxious, apprehensive, or fall into negative thought spirals. By increasing...
Productivity and flow

Productivity and flow

Are you struggling to make your ideas happen? Maybe you’re procrastinating, or are feeling a lack of motivation, or are overwhelmed with everything you need to do. You might be struggling with the demands of your work or life, the weight of other people’s...