
Working with Adults

Let go of expectations, be the real you, and live the life you desire

Untangling You

  • Do you ever end up in negative thought spirals, feeling like there is something wrong with you or that you’re ‘broken’?
  • Do you wake up every day feeling like you don’t know who you are anymore, after having spent years hiding parts of yourself to try and fit in more?
  • Are you pushing yourself to the point of burnout and still feel like you’re a failure for not doing enough or living up to your potential?
  • Do you struggle with being seen as the real you, avoiding showing up and fully engaging in social interactions?
  • Are you lacking focus and direction, feeling stuck and uncertain about how to achieve the things you really want?

Would you like to…?

  • untangle your unhelpful thought patterns and grow your self-belief, so you can feel more resilient and confident to do the things that are important to you.
  • get clear on who you are and what you want from your life and work, and create a plan that feels fun, exciting and authentic for you.
  • maintain clarity and focus, activate ‘get shit donemode, and efficiently manage your life without feeling overwhelmed.
  • use new ways of thinking to explore your goals and dreams, and follow your ambitions in a way that works for you
  • embody all the parts that make you you, feel safe to show up as the real you and embrace new experiences

When we work together, you will discover new options and resources, feel empowered to make courageous decisions, and place supportive boundaries on your energy and time.

You will be able to:
  • Put systems in place to help you organise and prioritise, in a way that works for you
  • Take small actions, one by one, which build up to make the biggest difference – whatever that difference might look like for you
  • Grow resilience to cope with those left-field surprises that come up unexpectedly
  • Develop inner trust and self-belief in your abilities and decisions
  • Feel safe and confident to advocate for your needs
  • Unpick all of the stories you’ve been told about what success means, and make your own vision for what is important to you
  • Learn how to change your thoughts, behaviours and beliefs so you can do the things you want to do

Our work together

3 Key Pillars

The work we do together falls into 3 key pillars which help you to unlock your full potential and thrive as your authentic self.

Rewire your brain

Step outside of the labels, boxes and expectations, and get a sense of who the real you is and your unique offering to the world. Reconnect with the parts of you that have been left behind because they didn’t align with past experiences and people, and learn how to integrate them back into your life.

Uncover the unhelpful beliefs that are keeping you stuck and preventing you from achieving your goals, and rewrite them to become more supportive and empowering.

Create new strategies and routines to work with your brain and body, supporting both you through periods of ebb and flow.

Create supportive systems

Explore what works for your brain and body; including practical steps to minimize mental clutter and enhance your focus and motivation, and working with your subconscious mind to explore your goals, navigate the possibilities and turn your imagination into innovation.

Communicate your needs and expectations to others to help you manage your energy, time, emotions, and resources. Take up the space you need to and keep promises and commitments to yourself without judgement or self-chastisement.

Connect with your unique strengths, boosting your self-confidence so you can feel resourced and empowered to navigate change and uncertainty more easily. Create a toolbox equipped with coping mechanisms and adaptive strategies, allowing you to be prepared for whatever your life throws at you and grow through periods of transition.

Do the thing!

Be visible as the authentic version of yourself; breaking free from the constraints of self-doubt, owning your strengths, and cultivating the courage to be seen as your amazing, unique self.

Explore and embrace new ways of thinking to increase your creativity in your ideas and problem-solving capabilities. We’ll use non-linear techniques to complement your working preferences, variability and brilliant humanness.

Interact with others in a way that feels empowered and authentic to you and helps you to navigate professional and personal discussions with confidence and impact. Unlock your ability to effectively articulate your ideas, influence, negotiate, and be assertive and advocate for yourself.

Let’s work together

Find out more & book your session
  • message/WhatsApp me on: +44 (0)7740612099
  • email me on:
  • book a free introductory call using the calendar below

Kind Words

“I have felt I have lost who I am, feel misunderstood, angry and anxious a lot of the time, being triggered very easily and not understanding why. Just one session with Kate took me to a place where I could regain my inner calm and realise who I am. I’d highly recommend that anyone reading this to take that step and contact Kate!”


“The three sessions that I had with you, were absolutely mind blowing, I’ve been inspired and had the courage to “find” myself and to be more than just a partner and a mother. I have begun to formulate plans and strategies to both change the structure of my day and also how I perceive myself. Changes are most definitely being made! I also now realise that I do not require a label to define myself. I am me and that is enough.”


“My time with Kate enabled me to look at things from different perspectives, this has all had a great positive impact. Kate is insightful, skilled and nurturing and I would really recommend working with her. I found the whole experience extremely calming and great for the soul.”


“Kate’s sessions have guided me from feeling very lost and overwhelmed in my career and ways of thinking to being able to understand what really matters and to more confidently move forward more instinctually and follow my nose. They’ve helped me feel more confident about my skills and experience and that my dreams are possible.”


“My self belief has gone sky high. I feel such confidence that I have never felt before. I never anticipated that I would get so much out of my time with Kate. It’s like a veil has been lifted and I finally feel an inner peace in myself. I couldn’t recommend it enough.”


“I couldn’t thank you enough for your support and helping me move some issues forward and learn new ways to cope.”


“I came to see Kate struggling with my identity after a career break. Through a combination of coaching and hypnosis Kate helped me attack my CV with excitement and confidence and within just two sessions I had a clearer idea of what I wanted to be doing and how to get there with renewed ambition and self-belief. The hypnosis helped me to bolster this confidence and focus on the tasks we had discussed in the sessions. Now I am ready to start contacting prospective employers and am excited about my next chapter.”


Frequently Asked Questions

What is hypnotherapy, and how does it work?

Hypnotherapy is a therapeutic technique that utilises guided relaxation and focused attention to help you explore the root causes of your thoughts, feelings and behaviours, and to create positive, long-lasting changes in your life.

In hypnotherapy, we use hypnosis to help your body feel relaxed while your mind is focused and more open to suggestions. It is a similar state to the feeling of driving a familiar route ‘on autopilot’, or zoning out when watching a film, or scrolling on your phone. We all go in and out of hypnosis by ourselves every single day.

During hypnosis you are still aware of what is happening around you but your attention will be focused on one topic, so you will remain in control and not be made to do anything or say anything you do not want to do. It is a collaborative process where I use questions and suggestions to help you quickly uncover the answers and solutions you need from within you. It might be that you release an old belief or fear, see things from a different perspective, or rewire habituated patterns of thoughts, feelings or behaviour.

What can I expect during a session?

We’ll start your first session by discussing your goals and any relevant background information. For subsequent sessions, we’ll review how things have been since the last session and set a focus for the session ahead.

Our sessions are a collaborative process where you’re actively engaged in your own transformation. If you need a more therapeutic-based session, we’ll spend more time in hypnosis exploring your inner world and making new connections. If you need a more practical, coaching-based session, we’ll spend more time using solution focused and goal-setting processes. It’s reactive to whatever you bring to the session, and we adapt to whatever comes up.

Whatever the focus on the session, I’ll use various techniques to address specific areas of focus and facilitate positive change. I’ll help you uncover what is holding you back, discover new options and possibilities, and release old beliefs, emotions and fears. You will be able to make changes from a really calm and grounded perspective, and help you reach your goals in a way that feels do-able for you.

Sessions can be held in-person, in Cranbrook, Kent or online using Zoom. Many of my clients use online sessions and find them just as effective as in-person sessions.

How many sessions will I need?

The number of sessions varies depending on your individual needs and goals.

In our introductory call, we will work together to create a plan for your sessions that suits your timeline and objectives.

Sessions are usually held either weekly or fortnightly, depending on your goals and how much processing and integration time you’d like between sessions.

I have another question...

No probs. Send me a WhatsApp message or email me – all the details are here

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Achieve your goals in a way that works for your brain.


Ask questions, book a free call or book your session.


07740 612099

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